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Llagut Benifallet (the old boat of Benifallet)
Starting the season on saturday 23th of March, 2024
See times for the Llagut of Benifallet
Next sunday 8th Llagut de Benifallet will remain closed due to Public Holiday in town. On Wednesday 11th, it will open from 11am till 2.30pm.
In order to guarantee the access to the Llagut, we recommend booking tickets in advance on the day of the visit.
The trips with the Llagut of Benifallet are always guided and last approximately one hour. It is requested to get there to collect the tickets, at least 15 minutes before departure in the Tourist Information Office. Visits always start on time; the maximum waiting time is 5 minutes.
If there is a group (minimum 20 people) and the two joint activities (caves + lake) are carried out, it is mandatory to be punctual with the established times. Otherwise, the visit or tour will start without the group or will be shortened to meet the schedule, without prior or subsequent refund of the amount of the activity.
Modifications to the itinerary or conditions: the organization reserves the right to make modifications to the itinerary, conditions or activities of the caves or the laúd without prior notice. In case of significant changes, efforts will be made to notify affected buyers and offer alternatives or refunds, if possible.
Closing days 2024: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (except Easter, July and August which is only closed on Mondays for weekly rest unless 14th of August).
You can book by sending an e-mail to or by calling 977 267 800 (Coves Meravelles) or 977 462 334 (Tourism Office). Tickets can be purchased at the Tourist Information Office (Avinguda Lluís Companys, 6).
*Card payment is recommended
The price includes the guide to Llagut, the day and time chosen by the user.
Visits with limited capacity (47 people).
The temperature during the journey/walk may vary as there are days with more or less wind and it is also recommended to wear protective cream. In the spring, a jacket is recommended especially for children and the elderly. Shoes and street clothes.
TRIPS with the Llagut are linked to the meteorological circumstances that may happen. In case of cancellation, you will be refunded.
Pets are NOT allowed in the Llagut for security reasons.
Children under 18 years-old will always be supervised by an adult for safety reasons.
Children under 14 must wear a vest for safety reasons.
A minimum of 5 people is required to make the departure.
The Benifallet sailboat tries to be a replica of the old sailboats that traveled through the Ebro for many years. The Sailboats carried goods across the river Ebro. They could carry up to 30 tons downstream and 16 upstream. It is a Latin sailing vessel of regular size, generally intended for cabotage (commercial navigation that takes place along the coast). The current Benifallet sailboat has a capacity of 47 passengers and has a regular upstream route to the intersection of the counties of Baix Ebre, Terra Alta and Ribera d'Ebre of an hour, although it also offers group trips to the Castellot de la Roca Roja pier and to Miravet. Its dimensions are 15m long and 3.5 meters wide. It was designed by naval engineers from the company Proname and built in a garage in Móra la Nova. The European Union provided funds for its construction. The Llagut is painted white and green, colours of the flag of the municipality. The boat tours are guided, with explanations of the heritage, fauna and flora of the Ebro. The tour lasts about an hour and gives information about the Roca Foradada, the mountain range, the convent of Cardó, the island of Cataula, the island of Nap, the Xesa estate, the Carmull, the Roca Folletera and the Roca dels Penjats.
The Ebro
It is the largest river in the Iberian Peninsula. Its drainage basin has an area of 85,997 km, it is the largest and it occupies 17.34% of the territory of the peninsula. The river originates in the mountains of Cantabria in Fontibre (Reinosa). We can distinguish three sections: Cantabrian Ebro (upper course), Aragonese Ebro (middle course) and Catalan Ebro (lower course). The length of the river is 908km and its average flow in Tortosa is 600 m3/s, which then flows into Deltebre. In Terres de l’Ebre there are two magnificent gorges: the Pas de l'Ase (Vinebre) and the Barrufemes, which separates the Ribera d’Ebre and the Baix Ebre. The river is compressed for about 15 km by the Cardó mountain range and the foothills of the Ports de Tortosa - Beseit. There are numerous ravines that flow into the river:
- The ravine of Racó del Mas, which collects the waters of Cardó.
- The ravine of La Vall, the last section of the Canaletes river.
From its riparian vegetation, poplars, elms, tamarits and reeds stand out.
Small boat path (Pas de Barca)
On both sides of the river we can see the old pier of the barge of Benifallet. The boat passage consisted of a platform floating attached to a cable connecting the two banks. With the current of the river, the platform moved and transported the carts and later cars from one side to the other. The last two sailboats that made up the Benifallet boat crossing were “El Caire”, the "Sant Joan" and the "Cardenal". People used the boat to cross the river and go to the farms on the other side, to the train station, to neighbouring villages… The construction of the Llaguter Bridge and its inauguration on February 23 in 1991 put an end to boat trips passing through Benifallet. This 231m long bridge consists of three eyes and is designed with a curved shape and its construction began on May 10, 1987.